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Fun is the word that most often comes to mind when you ask someone why they play online casino games at a live dealer casino.  Isn’t that the reason most of us visit the casino, because it is entertaining and simply a source of fun?  While some people go to the casino for money most people start out going because it is fun. 

Here's some of the reasons why you should be considering playing live dealer blackjack at a respectible online casino. There are a lot of reasons why you should choose an online casino over a land casino. Playing at an actual casino is more convenient, safer, and easier. But choosing to play at an online casino is not enough. To make sure that your gaming experience is complete, choose an online casino with live dealer blackjack. Here are some reasons why you should.

How do you rate an online casino? Most people would say that they rate online casinos based on how best they can duplicate an actual land casino and the experience of playing in one, and that’s what you will get by playing with casino dealers live online. In that particular aspect, the live online casinos are just ahead of the traditional online casinos. They are just like almost exact copies of the actual casinos, except for thr player’s physical location.

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Will My Computer be able to Run Online Casinos?

This is a concern that many people have when they first start thinking about playing with an online casino. The thing is, every online casino is different and has different requirements from your computer. The best thing you can do is shop around for an online casino that offers the games that you would like to play and then check out the requirements. The worst thing that happens is that you need to update a couple programs and then you can get playing. The best thing that can happen is that you have the system requirements and you are ready to play. Luckily, the requirements are not all that hard to meet and for most people you can start playing in just a matter of minutes.

System Requirements to Play with an Online Casino
Most online casinos will tell you that you need a reasonably powerful computer to play with their casino, though what you may consider powerful and what they consider powerful may be completely different. While your idea of powerful might be different from the next persons there are some very basic system requirements that are quite consistent across the board.

Generally you will need and IMB PC compatible computer, 14 MB of RAM, 16 bit color video card, SVGA monitor, Windows 98/95/NT, mouse, sound blaster compatible sound card, 20 MB free hard drive space, a CD-ROM Drive, and internet access. The better your internet access the better. Generally those that have dial up internet access will find that the online casinos don’t run as well on their systems as they do on those that have high speed access.

The great thing about these system requirements is that just about everyone has them. Even if you spent just $500 on your computer in the last couple years your computer probably has all of these requirements, and perhaps some to spare. While there are some variations from site to site, you will generally find that if you can meet or exceed these requirements that you will be able to play with the online casino of your choice without a problem.

Some of the more high tech sites will definitely need to meet or exceed the above stated requirements, especially if live feeds are involved. Many times it is an internet connection that will hold you back from a good time with the live feeds and not necessarily the computer so consider this when you logging onto play with a slower internet connection. Be sure when you are creating an account with an online casino that you check with them on their specific system requirements. You can generally find this information on the FAQ page of the online casino that you are considering gaming with.


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